  • Dam Prace 2024-10-29
  • © Zatrudnie osobe do ogolnych prac remontowych wewnatrz, Long Island... prosze dzwonic po wiecej informacji. <more> 1920935
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Slawek
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Zatrudnimy kierowcow CDL z doswiadczeniem do transportu aut osobowych. Bardzo dobre wynagrodzenie od $2500 plus na tydzien. Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o kontakt.------ UWAGA Bazarynkowicze!--------ZARABIAJ NA POLECENIU DOBRYCH KIEROWCOW---------Znasz dobrego kierowce CDL? Zareferuj nas! Za kazdego zatrudnionego kierowce otrzymasz prowizje $$$ ---------We are hiring CDL drivers with experience in driving manual transmission trucks that transport passenger cars. Very competitive pay starting at $2500 per week. Interested individuals please contact us by phone. ATTENTION! EARN MONEY BY REFERRING GOOD DRIVERS Do you know a good CDL driver? Refer them to us! You will receive a commission $$$ for every hired driver.------------- FastCar Logistics LLC poszukuje pracownikow na rozne stanowiska. Aktualnie poszukujemy kandydatow na stanowisko KSIEGOWEGO, ktory musi posiadac wiedze na temat QUICKBOOKS, certyfikaty z zakresu ksiegowosci oraz umiejetnosc regularnego przygotowywania raportow z wyjazdow i wydatkow. Kandydat/ka musi potrafic pracowac na komputerach APPLE MAC --------- -----------FastCar Logistics LLC is currently seeking candidates to fill a variety of positions. Our current job openings include a Bookkeeper position, which requires in-depth knowledge of QuickBooks, accounting certifications, and regular preparation of trip and expense reports.--------- <more> © 1815925_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: FastCar Logistics
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-29
  • © Przyjme fachowca lub pomocnika do pracy przy instalacji mebli kuchennych i pracy z drzewem (trim, custom woodwork), wynagrodzenie do ustalenia... prosze dzwonic. <more> 1920939
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Marcin
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty   Prime Meridian Moving Jest profesjonalna, licencjonowana i w pelni ubezpieczona firma przeprowadzkowa. Przystepne uczciwe ceny, zadna praca nie jest dla nas za duza ani za mala. Na terenie miasta New York i wszystkich Stanow USA. Oferujemy rowniez storage oraz przewozimy rzeczy do Polski. Prime Meridian Moving to Polska firma konkurujaca z najlepszymi na rynku, niskie ceny dla uzytkownikow Bazarynki. Dzwoncie do Przemka, pomaga Polonii (i nie tylko juz od paru lat) Przeprowadzka? jak tak to tylko z nami ceny juz od $200 za przeprowadzke. <more> © 1032104_abo
  • cena $: $200
  • name: Prime Meridian Moving - Przemek
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-29
  • © Szukam na weekendy dziewczyny do pracy w cukierni - Maspeth, Queens. <more> 1920856
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Thomas
  • Kontakt:
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-29
  • © Potrzebne osoby do pracy w serwisie sprzatajacym domy i biura. wysokie zarobki. zapewniony dowoz z okolic: South River, Sayreville, Parlin, South Amboy, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge, Linden w NJ. <more> 1920949
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Bozena
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty NAJTANSZE CENY BADAN!!! Dr. Danuta Kurstein - badania imigracyjne (Immigration Medical Exam) Najtaniej i Najszybciej - tylko na haslo Bazarynka - badania imigracyjne z 10% rabatem. U nas badania wykonasz natychmiastowo. Wszystko zalatwisz w naszym gabinecie na miejscu. Nasze gabinety sa cetyfikowane do wykonywania badan CDL. Nasze gabinety mieszcza sie: 146 Norman Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11222 tel. 718-349-1221 oraz 984 N. Broadway #312 Yonkers, NY 10701 tel. 914-968-8972. po wiecej informacji zapraszamy na nasza strone internetowa. Oferujemy .badania imigracyjne .badania CDL dla kierowcow .specjalista chrob wewnetrznych. badania okresowe pracownicze i studenckie. U nas w gabinecie posiadamy wszystkie wymagane szczepionki. <more> © 843254_abo
  • cena $: od 150
  • name: Danuta Kurstein, M.D.
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © I'am looking for someone that can clean my apartment one day a week, It is a 2 bedroom apartment on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, it should take 4-5 hours to clean and work includes laundry, I need someone either Tuesday or Thursday am 8-1 about... Please text or e-mail the above to: - Thank You. <more> 1920773
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Sheri
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty   ***UWAGA! NOWA LOKALIZACJA: 101 NORTH 10TH STREET, SUITE 303 Brooklyn NY 11249*** JODRE BRENECKI,LLP to skuteczny, zdeterminowany i kompetentny zespol Adwokacki ds. obrazen ciala i prawa pracy obslugujacy stany Nowy Jork i New Jersey. Odzyskalismy miliony dla naszych klientow bez koniecznosci zakladania sprawy sadowej. ***Nicole Brenecki jest rodowita mieszkanka Nowego Jorku, ktora po intensywnym wyksztalceniu za granica wrocila do praktyki prawniczej w miejscu urodzenia. Biegle wladajaca jezykiem angielskim, niemieckim i polskim. Wyrozniajace sie globalne doswiadczenia pani Brenecki pozwalaja jej w pelni zrozumiec i docenic wyjatkowe potrzeby jej klientow, dzieki mozliwosci wyjasnienia zawilosci nowojorskiego prawa w wielu jezykach. ***Jordan Jodre jest wspolzalozycielem JORDE BRENECKI LLP w celu zapewnienia spersonalizowanej reprezentacji prawnej osobom, ktore poniosly szkode w wyniku zaniedbania i wykroczenia innych osob lub podmiotow w wyniku wypadkow na budowie, wadliwych produktow, odpowiedzialnosci za lokal, prawa pracy i zatrudnienia oraz wypadki samochodowe i wiele wiecej. Prosimy o kontakt w celu darmowej konsultacji. <more> © 1846800_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: Polski Adwokat Nicole Brenecki
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © We live in Teaneck NJ with three super-intelligent daughters who have jobs or are in graduate school, during the week, but have a neuro-muscular disease. They do most of their work from home and are aged 24, 31, and 33. We are looking for a non-smoking woman to work: Monday-Friday from 8am-4 pm. Our daughters need help to get out of bed, get dressed, take care of hygiene needs, and get into their scooters. Once they are set up for the day, they need help eating their lunch, some lunch clean-up, and help with their daytime tasks as needed till the end of the shift, sometimes including unloading groceries, light laundry and showering. The most important requirements for the job are physical strength and emotional maturity, kindness, patience and sweetness. We aren't interested in someone who is preoccupied with her cell phone during work hours and tuned out to Our daughters. We aren't interested in someone who gives Our daughters a dirty look or rolls her eyeballs when asked to do something for them. We do not have a Hoyer lift, but the ladies are barely five feet and weigh in the 100 pound range, one more, one less. We pay $30 an hour. Please contact if You are interested, or even not interested so that I would know to continue my search. Thank You. <more> 1920775
  • cena $: 30/hr
  • name: Esther
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Szukasz fachowcow od przeprowadzek, ktorym mozesz zaufac? Skontaktuj sie z nami 646-384-2919! Niezaleznie od tego czy przeprowadzasz sie kilka ulic dalej czy tez na drugi koniec kraju, mozesz byc pewien ze zaoferujemy ci najkorzystniejsze warunki i najnizsze ceny. <more> © 924709_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: TransPol
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Interview in person in Poland ASAP... We are looking for locksmith, handy men/women, mechanic in Our "marketing research" - just asking You some questions regarding to door locks / market / usages in Poland and Germany, EU countries, etc. Background info: I am a design engineer who designs door locks with a few success ones in the US. Now, I am expanding these products to Germany, Poland and other EU countries. Want to ask some questions from a local. Questions are related to local market in door locks. Please reply with key word "door lock" as the 1st Word to prove that You are not a robot. I am in Warsaw now. Please reply ASAP to set up an in-person interview. I will pay for your time for the interview. English is ok, but We can use Google translator, if You don't speak English. Please reply in e-mail to "" or WhatsApp: ASAP: interview in person in Poland ASAP. You must be a local Polish person and currently in Poland for a in-person interview ASAP. <more> 1920817
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Glen
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Nowosc w Eurodental Studio: 3D SCAN FOR IMPLANTS! oraz Promocja na B O T O X Dodatkowo: $200 ZNIZKI - wszystkie Aparty Ortodontyczne! **** Zadzwon i umow sie na konsultacje. Zapraszamy do naszych nowoczesnych gabinetow na Greenpoint oraz Ridgewood. <more> © 1718815_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: Eurodental Studio
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Full time help in an Italian donut shop. Mixing donut batter, frying donut batter, packing product in bags. Daily cleaning. Loading and unloading product for delivery. Must have drivers license. May possibly need to do delivery of product on an emergency basis in company vehicle. Must be able to lift 40lbs. Must be able to stand for Long periods of time. Job hours 8 to 4.30 Monday thru Friday. Basic English required. <more> 1920749
  • cena $: 20
  • name: Maria
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty OUTLET MEBLI Z POLSKI - Serdecznie zapraszamy do nowo otwartego sklepu meblowego z polskimi produktami meblarskimi. W naszej ofecie dostepne mamy, wersalki, narozniki, sypialnie, jadalnie, enterainment centers, komody i wiele wiecej. Nasz sklep miesci sie na Long Island. Adres sklepu: 1724 Fifth Ave. Bayshore, NY 11706. Godziny otwarcia od poniedzialku do piatku od 7am - 3pm oraz soboty od 10am -6pm. Telefon do sklepu 631-617-6079. Zapraszamy rowniez do odwiedzenia naszego sklepu online. <more> © 1890403_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: Meble z Polski
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Looking for a girl to work in a ladies beauty salon in Brooklyn NY (zip code 11204). We provide training for the right candidate. Very good salary. Please send your resume to: <more> 1920752
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Mor Beauty Salon
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Zostales poszkodowany w wypadku? DARMOWA KONSULTACJA oraz bezplatna weryfikacja wypadku. ZADZWON: 347-786-7982 WYBIERZ KANCELARIE Z NAJLEPSZYMI WYNIKAMI 4 z najlepszych wynikow z calego stanu Nowy Jork odzyskalismy ponad $1,000,000,000 dla ofiar wypadkow. Posiadamy wiecej przypadkow odzyskania $1,000,000 niz jakakolwiek kancelaria w Nowym Jorku. Masz tylko jedna szanse, aby otrzymac finansowa rekompensate, na ktora zaslugujesz. Mowimy po polsku <more> © 1566343_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: Kancelaria Block O'Toole & Murphy, LLP
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Looking for cleaning girl for beautifull SPA in Brooklyn, morning and evening positions available... Please text or e-mail: <more> 1920797
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Rene
  • Kontakt:
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • Dam Prace © Poszukujemy milej otwartej do ludzi sympatycznej dziewczyny do pracy w sklepie z odzieza damska, "J.J Mademoiselle" 60-92 Myrtle ave., Queens NY. godziny otwarcia sklepu to 10:30-7pm niedziele 12-5pm (mozliwy part time lub full time). praca na dluzszy okres czasu ... prosze pisac lub dzwonic. <more> 1920802
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Jola
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Rozwody $399 plus oplaty sadowe - rozwod bezsporny. Przeprowadzamy rozwody ze zgoda lub bez zgody wspolmalzonka(ki) oraz bez osobistego stawiania sie w sadzie. Seperacje. Intercyzy (przed i po zawarciu zwiazku malzenskiego). testamenty. umowy. kontrakty. pelnomocnictwa apostille. sponsorowanie rodzinne. przygotowywanie malzonkow na spotkanie w urzedzie immigracyjnym. przedluzanie 2-letniej zielonej karty. przedluzanie wiz. wizy studenckie .sprawy rodzinne i wiele wiecej mozesz zalatwic w naszym biurze, ktore od lat pomaga polakom w roznych sprawach. 158 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, Greenpoint NY 11222., tel: 718-610-0070 <more> © 843089_abo
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Divorce and Immigration Services
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Przyjme pracownika na stanowisko "stock boy" w sklepie monopolowym - Grenpoint, Brooklyn. platne sick days i vacation. wymagane ss i pozwolenie na prace... prosze dzwonic po 5pm. <more> 1920776
  • cena $: 18/hr
  • name: Chris
  • Kontakt:
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Potrzebna osoba do pomocy w kuchni i lepienia pierogow w polskim sklepie na Middle Village, Queens... prosze o kontakt telefoniczny. <more> 1920801
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Barbara
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Rejestracja samochodow bez stanowego prawa jazdy. Przerejestrowywanie w wypadku bardzo wysokiego ubezpieczenia. Wyrabianie miedzynarodowego prawa jazdy. Wyrabianie tax ID number. Rozliczenia podatkowe takze zalegle. Nieruchomosci na Florydzie, mozliwosc finansowania. WS Agency / Notary Public tel 973-570-8566 <more> © 1892349_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: WS Agency / Notary Public
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • baner
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Potrzebna dziewczyna do polskiego sklepu na Maspeth, Queens, praca 6 dni w tygodniu, obsluga klienta. <more> 1920766
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Robert
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Renovation company is looking for working foreman, communicative English is must, SSN, OSHA, few years of experience... please contact by text. <more> 1920565
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Zibby
  • Kontakt:
  • Praca - Oferty MIKOMA - najlepsze ceny na drzwi zewnetrzne oraz na drzwi wewnetrzne! dostepne sa u nas od reki. uzyte materialy sa najwyzszej jakosci i nowoczesnej technologii. metal i prawdziwe drewno. drzwi zewnetrzne maja podwojny zamek, klucze sa unikatowe do kazdych drzwi. drzwi wewnetrzne maja zawiasy ukryte, klamki sa magnetyczne z mozliwoscia dodania zamka. prosze dzwonic po nr tel 347 816 7050 albo przyjechac do nas! adres: 174 targee st, staten island, ny 10304 <more> © 1869608_abo
  • cena $:
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Dental office in Staten Island looking for the front desk person knowledge of dental insurance, English speaking salary based on experience... please call. <more> 1920502
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Malgorzata
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Construction company seeking sheet metal installer job description: We are seeking a highly skilled and licensed sheet metal installer to join Our team. The ideal candidate will have hands-on experience in installing sheet metal cladding, soldering copper/lead-coated copper, and installing decorative metal cornices and sheet metal roofing systems. You will work on various construction sites and play a key role in ensuring high-quality installations. Key responsibilities: install sheet metal cladding on buildings and other structures, solder and install copper/lead-coated copper elements for architectural projects, install decorative metal cornices and sheet metal roofs according to project specifications, interpret blueprints, plans, and diagrams to execute precise installations, measure, cut, and form metal materials to fit designated spaces, safely operate hand and power tools for cutting, forming, and securing metal, ensure compliance with safety guidelines and regulations, including OSHA and SST standards, collaborate with project managers and other trades to complete projects efficiently, perform site clean-up and ensure work areas are safe and organized. Requirements: 4h pipe scaffold license 16h suspended scaffold license, OSHA 30 certification, 40 hours SST card, proven experience in sheet metal installation and soldering, ability to read and interpret construction blueprints strong attention to detail and craftsmanship, ability to work at Heights and in various weather conditions, strong communication and teamwork skills... please send resume to: <more> 1920428
  • cena $: 70K/y
  • name: Zeto Inc.
  • Kontakt:
  • Paid ad buy one Ogłoszenie płatne
  • Praca - Oferty Zapraszamy na zakupy do naszego sklepu gdzie znajdziesz wszystko co potrzebne do wykonczenia domu od dachu, okien, okien dachowych, bram garazowych, paneli sciennych, podlug drewnianych, wylewek samopoziomujacych ,plytki porcelanowe i wiele innych produktow . Wszystko mozna zobaczyc na naszej stronie internetowej Zadzwon jak masz pytania 347-801-2855 <more> © 1799290_abo
  • cena $:
  • name: DF Studio
  • Kontakt:
  • Ogłoszenie płatne kup Paid ad
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © In person job position available in Brooklyn, 11230... job responsibilities: manage web inventory, proficient in utilizing Amazon/Shopify store; uploading products, managing inventory - media management; updating and making sure information is accurate compensation is 18 per hour on check. <more> 1920711
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Mike
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Construction company looking for carpenters for inside work, in NYC, (OSHA) SST 40 hr card required... If interested please leave a brief voice message or text. <more> 1920447
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Michal
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © General contractor specializing in exterior masonry, waterproofing, and restoration seeks an experienced project manager. Roofing experience is a plus. Office location: Westbury, Long Island, NY - work location: NYC - 5 Boroughs essential duties and responsibilities: oversee project organization, scheduling, implementation, and closeout, establish project deadlines per the scope of work, ensuring timeliness, accuracy, and communication, track construction milestones, adjust schedules as necessary. coordinate all internal and external communications related to project goals and document results, manage pre-construction activities, including submittals, shop drawings, and permits, review drawings, specifications, and coordination of contractor activities, maintain thorough documentation of all construction activities, including daily logs, site photos, and progress reports, identify and mitigate project risks, resolving construction issues promptly to avoid delays, coordinate material deliveries and resolve scheduling conflicts with suppliers and subcontractors, attend and contribute to qc/qa meetings and interface with Architects and engineers to ensure structural, code-compliant, and aesthetic project outcomes, participate in value engineering analysis, progress reports and meetings, oversee preparation and approval of change orders, adjusting project plans as necessary, manage construction estimates for change orders and finalize closeout documentation, including completion photos and cost trackers. Requirements: minimum 4 years of relevant project Management experience, preferably in exterior masonry, waterproofing, or restoration, OSHA certification per NY State guidelines, proficiency in Microsoft Office and project Management software. Salary: negotiable based on experience. To apply: please e-mail your resume to: <more> 1920440
  • cena $: n/a
  • name:
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Experienced electricians wanted with drivers license... Please call for more info. <more> 1920425
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: MGA Electric
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-28
  • © Zatrudnie kobiete do sprzatania, praca w profesjonalnym serwisie sprzatajacym na Staten Island... po wiecej informacji prosze dzwonic lub wyslij txt. <more> 1920430
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Agas European Cleaning Services
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-27
  • © Plaster man, carpenter and some tile work mechanic needed to do patchwork repairs in apartment complexes, all work is done in Queens area and must have minimum five years experience with valid drivers license, having your own Vehicle is a plus... call or text for more details. <more> 1920542
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Tony
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-27
  • © Household and childcare help. Location Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. B/Q/F subway approx half day household help half day child care (2 young children) depending on needs. Please write a text SMS about your experience, languages, whether You are flexible with hours and whether You have references. Hours: ~40 hr per week. ~Mo-Thu 10-6pm / 11-6pm plus Saturday morning. ~Fri 1-9pm $700 per week. Someone with flexibility as for hours/availability preferred (incl incidental evening availability) do not call, send a message as described and I may call You. Thank You. <more> 1920680
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Sara
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-27
  • © Looking for a furniture installer ASAP... please call for more info. <more> 1920560
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Marcin
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-27
  • © Looking for experienced workers in construction, must know kitchen renovations, tile work, interior work, finishes, etc. need as soon as possible, work is only on Long Island, Speak English, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian. <more> 1920699
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Peter
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-27
  • © Looking for a reliable cleaning Lady in TriBeCa (Manhattan). approx 4 hours per day 3 times a week. Cleaning, ironing is a must. <more> 1920701
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Inbar
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • © Looking for English speaking cleaning person, for apt cleaning services in Manhattan - Morningside Heights... please contact. <more> 1920585
  • cena $: 20/hr
  • name: Debbie
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • © Potrzebna doswiadczona fryzjerka do salonu na Greenpoint, Brooklyn... prosze o kontakt telefoniczny. <more> 1920597
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Maria
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • © Poszukiwani agenci nieruchomosci - dynamiczna firma nieruchomosci William Green Real Estate poszukuje licencjonowanych agentow z doswiadczeniem i znajomoscia rynku na Greenpoint i Williamsburg. Oferujemy prace w zgranym zespole oraz konkurencyjne prowizje, ktore pozwola ci rozwijac swoja kariere w prestizowej dzielnicy. Jesli masz pasje do nieruchomosci i chcesz dolaczyc do preznie rozwijajacej sie firmy, zapraszamy do kontaktu... prosze dzwonic. <more> 1918692
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Michal
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • © Willing to train mill workers and carpenters to manufacture metal and glass structures, experience in cabinet installation required, metal and glass manufacturing and installing company in College Point, Queens, must have drivers license, own tools and OSHA cards... please call <more> 1918112
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Robert
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • © Zatrudnie samodzielnych elektrykow oraz pomocnikow elektryka z dlugoletnim doswiadczeniem, wymagana chec do pracy, narzedzia, OSHA 40 oraz podstawowy angielski, praca na czek. Zainteresowane osoby prosze dzwonic, zostawic wiadomosc, wyslac SMS lub e-mail: <more> 1918250
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Chris
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • Dam Prace © Looking for an office assistant - hiring 2 individuals, Polish speaking a huge plus (perfect for highschool/college student) - Sparta, NJ 07871... please call. <more> 1918853
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Efka Logistics
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-26
  • © Potrzebna od zaraz osoba na pol etatu (3-4 dni) na recepcje/administracyjna asystentka do fizykoterapii (koniecznie poniedzialek od 9-5pm i wtorek 9-7pm, tylko z pozwoleniem na prace i z j. polskim i angielskim, praca entry level, Greenpoint, Brooklyn... prosze wyslac resume na e-mail: <more> 1920619
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Wanda
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-25
  • © Construction Yard laborer/driver... general contractor, is seeking a reliable full-time laborer/driver to assist with material pickups and deliveries to various job sites in NYC and Long Island. Requirements: must be available for a 9am start - Summer schedule May vary and be from 7am start, clean, valid driver's license required, familiarity with NYC and Long Island areas, knowledge of building materials, ability to lift heavy objects, experience with towing a trailer. Job duties: quoting and ordering job materials, picking up materials from vendors and delivering them to job sites, driving and assisting with offsite services as needed, General cleanup of Yard facilities, accepting, loading, and distributing tools and equipment, maintaining a neat, clean work environment, assist in managing inventory and tracking deliveries to ensure all materials reach job sites on time, communicate with job site supervisors to confirm delivery times and locations, operate forklifts or other machinery to load and unload materials, keep accurate records of deliveries, tools distributions and mileage logs, A+ perform minor repairs or maintenance on tools and equipment as needed, help set up and prepare job sites with necessary materials and tools before the start of each project. This is a full-time position, Monday to Friday. If interested, please e-mail your resume to: <more> 1920418
  • cena $: n/a
  • name:
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-25
  • © We are looking for barista girl to work in a Cafe in Brooklyn... Please call or text. <more> 1920519
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Mike
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-25
  • © Firma poszukuje doswiadczonego hydraulika do pracy w poblizu Elmwood Park, NJ, wymagane minimum 3 lata doswiadczenia w zawodzie, posiadanie wlasnego auta oraz prawa jazdy. Prosimy o wysylanie wiadomosci tekstowych. <more> 1920496
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: MH Mechanical
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-25
  • © Poszukuje niani na caly lub pol etatu min. 3 dni do naszego b. pogodnego, rocznego synka w New City, NY (Rockland County), potrzebne doswiadczenie z dziecmi w tym wieku, dojazd z New York okolo 45 min. (samochod albo pociag)... Prosze o kontakt telefoniczny lub e-mail: <more> 1920489
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Lukasz
  • Kontakt:
  • Dam Prace 2024-10-25
  • © Potrzebny pomocnik na budowie, doswiadczenie mile widziane, ale nie konieczne, przuczymy... prosze o kontakt telefoniczny. <more> 1920505
  • cena $: n/a
  • name: Zenon
  • Kontakt:

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